Dog as your best friend

Dogs. There are so many different breeds and sizes. And breeds and no breeds. But I have known for years that I want a french bulldog or a frenchie. They are not the easiest dogs for a first timer but I have had dogs before or more so my family has had pets so I thought It can’t be that hard to raise a pup. Even the vetenarian told me that frenchies come with an attitude that’s bigger than them. And yes they are right. They are very strong minded and bully dogs. Attention seeking and humans best friends. I thin lot of people would discribe them as little clowns and very stubborn.

Therapy dogs

I can totally understand people who have service and therapy dogs. There is something very calming when it comes to spending time with dogs. Even though my dog Kiira is only two she has helped me and my family a lot. She helped my mom when she was sick and they were napping together. She helps me everyday.

She is very cuddly dog and likes to come next to you and ask for petting. I know that lot of people say that you are not supposed pet or play with them when they ask you to but also I think there are different ways people like to raise their dogs and this is my way. She helps me get up on the mornings when I would rather stay in bed. I know that I have to get up because she needs to go to potty. Lately she is would rather spend all morning at home and wait until the very last minute to go out. Often I am the one who has to drag her outside because she would rather just take another nap. Having a dog is a good excuse to spend lot of time outdoors. For example yesterday we had 8 km walk with her. She was such a champ to brace the little cold and walk that much. And yes she does wear jumpers or coats because she does not have second layer of fur, therefore she can get cold. I am not really that kind of person who would buy her tuttus and dresses, most clothes she has are for the cold weather. Also I don’t call myself her mum or mummy, but no judgement if you do.

She sometimes gives me a side eye, like really human? I have to walk that much?
I see you writing about me.

Do you have pets?

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